Thursday, February 10, 2011

Character Assassination by Jamaath activists

Assalamu alaikum brother Mujahid Ahmad,

Rama Raajyam = Hukumathe ilaahi by Jamaath e (islami)

The reason behind this discussion was that when I responded to the blunders of some Jamaath brothers specially Hamza Kutty who falsely claimed that ”Rama Raajyam or Daiva Rajyam according to Hindus or christians respectively means the welfare state based on the laws given to mankind by God Almighty”  I asked him the proof and rebutted him (plz scroll down to read full discussion). But instead of correcting his deviant understanding, unfortunately, as Hashim Haji an ex Ji activist rightly said, most of the Jamaath e (islami) activist responded with most absurd manner by calling me “lunatic, dog, pimp, species, coward, barking, nauseating” etc. This kind repulsive attitude is due to their arrogance and so, they denying the truth and side with Kufar. Mahadallah!!! Arrogance is one of the most dangerous inner diseases of the heart. Those inner diseases reside in the hearts but their destructive effects are reflected in the behavior and conduct of the sick person who can be prevented from entering paradise on the Day of Judgment. In the authentic hadith reported by Imams Muslim and At-Tirmithi the prophet salallahu wa alyhi wa salam said, "One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart."
Some of the such responses of Jamaath activists as follows:-
From: Thahir Mahmood wrote
I think this coward mammuduty does not get sleep without a few words from people on the board.  He has several ids and all are the same tone and style, disgusting, nauseating. He was barking at erooth sahib, habeeba ummer, and is biting everybody on the road. I had warned him not to mention names and talk about kidney, liver etc. He speeks of Islam(?) etiquette too! Dog hackers are to be alerted immediately
From: "habeeba ummer" wrote
“This fellow does not understand comparative religion. Dont talk to
him. People should be addressed according to their standard f
matirity and understanding or knowledge. Leave loose pimps free
From: "liyarath" Wrote
കൊള്ളാം, ആരുടെ ചാരിത്ര്യ പ്രസങ്ങമാനെന്നു  മാത്രം പറയുന്നില്ല, കാരണം അതിന്റെ പാറ്റെന്റ് അവകാശം താങ്കളുടെ പാര്ടിക്കാനല്ലോ.  ഇത്തരക്കാരില്‍ നിന്ന്, പടച്ചവനെ, നിന്നോട് ഞങ്ങള്‍ അഭയം തേടുന്നു.  
2011/1/29 liyarath <> Wrote
“May be he (mammadutty) wants you all to know that he is a  * * * certified guy (in free style wrestling and abusing) and that is why he exposes his great potential through in his words. He has been polluting his surroundings and damaging the environment through his  _ __ _spot” 
2011/1/29 From: kutty hamza <> Wrote
“This indecent foul mouth with no sense of respect to others deserves no answer.  since this guy is often and again biting on everything throw to him”
From: "Erooth Mohamed" < Wrote
വെറുതെ ഇവിടെ 'ബ്ല ബ്ല' പറഞ്ഞ വിഷം വമിക്കാതെ, താങ്കള്‍ പോയി ഉടുതുണി നഷ്ടപെട്ട നേതാവിനെ സംരക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ നോക്കുക.. 
Brother, we are here to discuss matters but it is quite natural that you may not agree with my views as well I may not with others in all aspects. If you disagree with my points you can counter or refute it with even severe criticism but it doesn’t permit you to call me with the dirtiest manner since this is belongs to the qualities of Munaafiq/ hypocrites.  This is what unfortunately Ji activists like Thahir, Habeeba, erooth Kunjan, Kutty Hamza, Liyarath etc are doing. (For further reading plz visit @
Unfortunately most of the Jamaath followers are very intolerant towards criticism meanwhile they using all kind of means and methods, newspaper, weekly, magazine, internet & email etc to criticize, belittle, demoralize, defame others and love to carry out character assassination of fellow Muslims. Whose quality is this?!! I seek refuge with Allah.
Brother Apart from this, tolerance is a quality blessed by Allah and it enables us to judge differences of opinion with the right perspective of Islam. We should not close our eyes and ears rather we should give very special attention to the people who criticise our views and hence, it enable us to rethink or reconsider our beliefs and practices. Islam has been converting the mind of hundreds of thousands of people to the way of deenul Islam only because of its nature of convincing answer to the inherited doubts of the people.
Those who feel that speaking against deviant pseudo-Islamic groups and exposing their insensate activities to the public are a waste of time and energy is sheer contradiction to Qur’an. Allah says in Soorah Aal'imraan 3:110 "you are the best nation raised up among mankind (because) you command the good and prohibit the evil” So, commanding the good is not sufficient in itself to earn us the title "best of the nations" it must be complemented by the prohibitions of evil. Purifying the Religion of Allah and defending it from the attacks of deviant pseudo-Islamic groups is a collective obligation of all pious and God fearing Muslims, if they left comfortably without being opposed to their innovations, heretical writing etc then the Religion would suffer harm, corruptions and deviations. Allah knows best.
I think you didn’t see this link while sending other
May Allah guide us into the straight path and help us to strive and struggle (jihad) in the cause of His religion, aameen
I seek refuge with Allah from the fraudulent, hypocrites, disbelievers etc I seek refuge with Allah from the deceptive tactics of Shaitaan and his companions. Aameen. 
Barakallah feek
Mammedutty Nilambur
Ram is not Rama according to Jamaath

Assalamu alaikum brothers,
Again Kutty Hamza, a senior Jamaath e (islami) activist is talking utter foolishness and in fact, one who disbelief in Allah does not deserve any courtesy as do other Muslims. You can see within minutes his colleagues of infamous frauds over net habeeba, kerala kesari, erooth etc would come up with abusive languages to justify his Kufar. Let us check with his reply insha’Allah.
He said: 1. Ram used by Hindus is not Raman of Ramayana.  Gandhiji uttered his last word Hey Ram or when Hindus of Northern India meet each other greet "Ram Ram"  and it is well know "Ram Raheema Thero naam, sab ko sanmathi de Bhagavan".  Needs no further elaboration for prudent readers who know better.
Then who is this Ram? In which Hindu scripture has mentioned his name? He has to answer for these questions furthermore let him explain; is the Ram equal to Raheem? Mahadallah!! Again he is quoting kufar and proves his disbelief in Allah by comparing the so called Ram with Raheem (Allah), "Ram Raheema Thero naam, sab ko sanmathi de Bhagavan" I seek refuge with Allah.  Let the readers decide his belief.
He said: 2. Daiva Rajyam varunnu, every christian church chorus this every sunday. For more understanding ask any church going Christians.
To which Christian I should ask Mr. Kutty Hamza? Is it the Christian who believe Jesus (peace be upon him) as God? Or is the Christian who believe Jesus (peace be upon him) as son of God? Or is it the Christian who believe in trinity? What stupidity you are uttering about?!! You said in your earlier mail that Rama Raajyam or Daiva Rajyam according to Hindus or christians respectively means the welfare state based on the laws given to mankind by God Almighty”
But we Muslims believe that there is no sacred scripture with Christian at present from Almighty God unless distorted by the so called followers. Then Mr. Kutty Hamza, tell us then what welfare state the Christian should form based on the laws given to mankind by God Almighty?!!! Do you believe that their bible is not distorted and purely the word of Allah, the Almighty God?!! Mahadallah!! Dear readers, Beware of this senior activist of Jamaath e (islami), he has been inviting people to KUFAR but not to Islam.
The Religion with Allah is Islam
Allah said,
[إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللَّهِ الإِسْلَـمُ]
(Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam.) Allah states that there is no religion accepted with Him from any person, except Islam. Islam includes obeying all of the Messengers until Muhammad who finalized their commission, thus closing all paths to Allah except through Muhammad . Therefore, after Allah sent Muhammad , whoever meets Allah following a path other than Muhammad's, it will not be accepted of him. In another Ayah, Allah said,
[وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلَـمِ دِينًا فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ]
(And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him) [3:85].
In this Ayah [3:19], Allah said, asserting that the only religion accepted with Him is Islam,
[إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللَّهِ الإِسْلَـمُ]
(Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam.)
Allah then states that those who were given the Scripture beforehand divided in the religion after Allah sent the Messengers and revealed the Books to them providing them the necessary proofs to not do so. Allah said,
[وَمَا اخْتَلَفَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ الْكِتَـبَ إِلاَّ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَآءَهُمُ الْعِلْمُ بَغْيًا بَيْنَهُمْ]
(Those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) did not differ except out of rivalry, after knowledge had come to them.) meaning, some of them wronged others. Therefore, they differed over the truth, out of envy, hatred and enmity for each other. This hatred made some of them defy those whom they hated even if they were correct. Allah then said,
[وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِآيَـتِ اللَّهِ]
(And whoever disbelieves in the Ayat of Allah) meaning, whoever rejects what Allah sent down in His Book,
[فَإِنَّ اللَّهِ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ]
(then surely, Allah is Swift in reckoning.) Allah will punish him for his rejection, reckon him for his denial, and torment him for defying His Book. Thereafter, Allah said.
[فَإنْ حَآجُّوكَ]
(So if they dispute with you (Muhammad )) so if they argue with you about Tawhid,
[فَقُلْ أَسْلَمْتُ وَجْهِىَ للَّهِ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِ]
(Say: "I have submitted myself to Allah (in Islam), and (so have) those who follow me'') meaning, Say, `I have made my worship sincere for Allah Alone without partners, rivals, offspring or companion,
[وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِ]
(and those who follow me) who followed my religion and embraced my creed.' In another Ayah, Allah said,
[قُلْ هَـذِهِ سَبِيلِى أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِى]
(Say (O Muhammad ): "This is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me...'') [12:108].

May Allah guide him to Islam and include all of us in His paradise.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and the hereafter.
"Islamic Revolution" of Shia and Rama's Kingdom

Assalamu alaikum brothers,
How recklessly this old man kutty Hamza is talking about Islam? Subhanallah!!!
He said: Rama Raajyam or Daiva Rajyam according to Hindus or christians respectively means the welfare state based on the laws given to mankind by God Almighty.
Mr. Kutty Hamza, what is your proof for this claim?! Which is that so called laws of God Almighty to mankind according to Hindus and Christian? Do you believe the epic Rama is the real God? Mahadallah!! What kufar you are talking about and spreading this rubbish in the name of Islam over net?!!  Fear Allah and His wrath. Repent to Allah and shukr to Allah for giving you enough life span but still unfortunately using it not for the cause of Allah rather spreading anti Islam ideologies. Subahanallah!!! Your ignorance and enthusiasm to justify maududi and Shias may lead you to out of folder of Islam. I seek refuge with Allah.
He said: Muslims are largely divided as Sunnah and Shia world wide based on their political view point whether teh progeny of the Prophet must be rulers or Muslims or their leaders must be elected democratically.
What a strange findings?!! Paradox means Kutty Hamza and Ji. So here you are agreeing that there are view points in Islam as politically and religiously. If the shias and sunnies are divided on politically as you falsely claimed then what is your understanding of Shia’s faith of “Ali Valiyullah” and immamiyath?! Is it also political?! Mahadallah!!! Do you know about your forefather Abdullah ibnu sabah, a Munaafiq who had created this fitnah of rulership among the sahabah?!! Do you know it is the basic believe of every shias that almost the pious companions of beloved prophet salallahu wa alyhiwasalam are apostate or kafir. I seek refuge with Allah.
What a rubbish claim that shias and sunnies are divided based on the modern governing system of democracy?!! It looks Allah has put seal on your heart so that the haq/truth never enter in it. I seek refuge with Allah. 
What democracy shias are propagating in the world?   It is obligatory them to believe in the immamiyath and shias consider them as infallible and the only legitimate rulers of this world. Due to this reason shias believe on Muthaha marriage/ temporary marriage is halaal similarly Khomani as ruhullah, ayathullah etc. This garbage of Shia’s faith are extensively spread among the Kerala Muslims through the channel of Jamaath e (islami) Kerala to lead them to hellfire, a work of Iblees and his companions. Mahadallah!!! Because of this deviants ideology of jamaath e (islami) they considered Kerala shias and not ahlu sunnah wa jamaah.
He said: Iranian Shias who are supposed to have a leader from the Prophet's SWS family, have an elected leader today!  If Shia choose Islam as the basis for their change of Govt. from Monarchy to Islam, the world called it as Islamic Revolution.  What else?
Who is that elected leader of shia from the prophet’s salallahu wa alyhi wasalam family at present? Could you give that proof with chain of narrations?! What Islam did shia have?!! Did shia believe as the companions, sahabah believed?! Did shia believe in the Qur’an? Did shia not reject Sahaba? Did shia not believe in the fathimiya quran? Did shia not believe that Surath noor and surath Vilayah was removed by khalifa Abubacker, Ummer(may Allah be pleased with them)? Then what rubbish are you talking about Shias’s islam?!! After rejecting the basic aqeeda of islam and build upon kufar then what Islamic revolution? I seek refuge with Allah from this unscrupulous old man who spread malicious, corrupted version of Islam to invite the innocent brothers and sisters to hellfire. It is worth to remember the words of Imaams that if someone doubts that Shias are kaafir then he himself committed a Kufar.  Following are some of the beliefs of Shias about Muslims.
According to Imami Shia doctrine, the vast majority of the sahaba were liars and apostates.
One of the leading scholars of the shia, al-Kashshi, reported that Abu Ja'far said: "The people (including the sahaba) all became apostates after the Prophet's death except for three." When asked who they were, he replied, "Al-Miqdad ibn Aswad, Abu Dharr, and Salman as mentioned in the verse, 'If he (Muhammad) dies or is killed, will you then turn on your heels.'" (Rijal al-Kashshi pp12-13) .
In the book "Al-Kafi fil-Usool, a collection of ahadith attributed to the Prophet SAWS and some of the Imams of the Shia, and held in the same esteem amongst shia as Sahih Bukhari is amongst the Ahl us-Sunnah, we find the following:
"Obedience to 'Ali is true humility and disobedience to him is disbelief in Allah." (vol.10 p.54)
"Whoever sets up another Imam besides 'Ali and delays 'Ali's caliphate is a polytheist." (vol.10 p.55) (this "hadith" refers to everyone who accepts the validity of the caliphates of Abu Bakr, 'Umar and Uthman. The Shia claim that the caliphate was stolen from 'Ali, and only he and his descendants have the right to rule the Muslims)
I seek refuge with Allah from misguiding others and misguided by myself. May Allah save the Muslim ummah from the attack of enemies with in the folder of Islam as well outside

Plz visit to read shias influence on Jamaath e (islami)

 1. Proxy War of Shias against Muslims @

2. Hidden agenda of proxy Shia

3. False justification of Shias @

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